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Turning stories into websites

The user story sits at the centre of most agile development methodologies.

But what makes a good story? and where do stories come from? What do we do with them once they've been estimated, prioritised, re-sized and broken down? How can we maintain our sense of the big picture when it's broken down into tiny puzzle pieces? How does that help us build good products?

This talk puts the focus on the \"user\" telling the story to understand their requirements for the product. It then turns back to the team to look at how we hear and discuss those stories in order to bring them to life to build the product, and build it right.

Donna Benjamin

Donna Benjamin is a Project Lead at Catalyst IT Australia, and is part of a global team of skilled open source technologists. Catalyst specialises in developing, designing and supporting enterprise grade systems using open source technologies.

Donna is a passionate advocate of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) solutions for small business and education. In particular, the use of web applications on the Drupal platform, open source graphics tools such as Inkscape and GIMP, and the Moodle and Sugar learning platforms. Donna has taken on a range of leadership roles in the Open Source community, sitting on boards and committees and organising events. She is currently a Director of the Drupal Association and the Open Australia Foundation.


