Ticket prices

To register, you will need to create an account and then register. Tickets are sold out, except for miniconf-only (Friday) tickets. All registrations are subject to the conference terms and conditions.

Prices and Entitlements

All prices are in Australian dollars and include 10% Australian GST.

Early Bird registrations are available to the first 90 enthusiast or professional delegates. Early Bird tickets are now sold out. Conference t-shirts will only be available to registrations completed and paid by Thursday 21 July. Dinner tickets are available for purchase up to Saturday 6 August.

Contributor ✨ Professional Enthusiast Miniconf-only Student
Early Bird Price $900 $495 $190 $150 $60
Regular Price $900 $560 $250 $150 $60
Miniconf Included Included $75 Included $75
Conference Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Sprints $5/day $5/day $5/day $5/day $5/day
Conference Dinner Included Included Included $80 $80
Conference T-Shirt Included Included Included Included $25
Professional Listing Yes Yes - - -
Sponsor Benefits Yes - - - -

Contributor ✨

Our Contributor delegates are superstars who get all the perks of a Professional Delegate ticket, but go above and beyond to support the conference by contributing that little bit extra. Find out more!


The Professional rate is the standard conference rate. This rate applies to most people who have their employers pay the conference fees and charge it as a professional development expense, or for individuals who can legitimately claim it is a tax deduction. The benefits of a Professional registration include recognition of your employer on your conference badge, a complimentary ticket to one of our Friday Miniconfs, and a listing as a Professional Delegate in our delegate's directory.


The Enthusiast rate is heavily discounted for Python enthusiasts who are paying out of their own pockets and would otherwise find it difficult to attend. Applications for financial assistance are open until 17 June.


This concession rate is reserved for College (TAFE, Polytechnic, Senior Secondary, etc) or University Students. PyCon Australia offers this rate as a form of investment in the future of the Python programming community. As part of the registration process, a valid student ID card or proof of enrolment must be presented to the onsite registration desk. Any Student who cannot provide this will be required to register at PyCon Australia as an enthusiast by paying the difference in fees between the Student rate and the Enthusiast rate.


There are a limited number of Media Passes available to media personnel. Media Passes are free of charge, and entitle media personnel to attend PyCon Australia 2016 with all the entitlements of a Professional registration. Please note, due to the limited numbers of Media Passes available, all Media Passes will need to be approved by the PyCon Australia 2016 Organisers.

To apply for a Media Pass, please contact contact@pycon-au.org.


Accommodation is not included in conference registration. Please see the accommodation page for some hotel options. We strongly encourage attendees to organise their accommodation as early as possible, as demand for cheaper rooms is very strong during the AFL season.


