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Python on Windows

Some of us working in the corporate world are required to use Microsoft Windows.
How can we bring the goodness of Python to the Windows platform?
What are the problems you could encounter and how can you solve them?

- wail at install directory problems!
- scream at path separators!
- cry at the craziness of special window installers
- revel in the beauty of lovely help
- marvel at the joy of py launcher and a proper #! line
- be terrified at accessing the winapi through the win32 libraries
- be astonished at Python taking control of Excel / Word / Outlook / Acrobat through the COM interface with win32com
- laugh at batch files!

Peter Lovett

Peter Lovett is a programmer, son of a programmer, and all three of his sons can program in Python. Peter has more than a third of a century of paid programming experience, having started with punched cards, but is open to more modern tools. He has worked with many languages, from Assembler and C to Perl, Java and Python. He runs training courses through his company, Plus Plus in Australia and New Zealand, running courses for some of Australia and New Zealand's biggest companies. He can be found at www.plusplus.com.au


